Elah (60)

English Roundtable

Bestätigungsevent English Roundtable

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I would like to improve my English and get in touch with nice people. I'm happy to meet you and have an interesting discussion about whatever we like. Native speakers are welcome.

I hope the weather is good. Reservations are not possible. We will meet upstairs in the roof garden. I put a notice on the pinboard. If it's raining, I change the location at short notice.

Unfortunately there is no lift. You have to use the stairs.

Please note: Interested parties without a profile picture will not be confirmed.

I am not responsible for any misunderstandings or every other thing. Please speak and participate at your own risk. :-)

Pinnwand (20)

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Anmeldungen (4)

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Anmeldungen 4

Sonntag, 30.06.2024 18:00 Uhr

Rosenheimer Str. 5, 81667 München, Deutschland

Bar & Club, Essen & Trinken, Sonstiges


Anmeldeschluss Sonntag, 30.06.2024 17:00 Uhr

Jeder den eigenen Verzehr.

Altersbeschränkung ab 40 Jahre bis 75 Jahre

Teilnehmer 4 (ein Mann und 3 Frauen )

Max. Teilnehmer 7 (3 freie Plätze)

Max. Begleitpersonen 1

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