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no showerjungs today, because:
Renowned Norther Irish author and Director of the Seamus Heaney Centre Belfast Glenn Patterson will read from (quote) “New books, older books and maybe a couple of things on which the ink has only just dried” The session will be moderated by Prof. Felix Sprang and is the opening of the British Council Literature Seminar 2022 Neu NI Now featuring contemporary writing from Northern Ireland
Glenn Patterson will read from his latest works “Where Are We Now?” and “The Last Irish Question: Will Six into Twenty-Six Ever Go?”
Karten besorge sich bitte jede/r selber unter:
Vorschläge für vorheriges Essen oder after-show-drinks nearby gerne über Pinwand. Last time we were at Weinverein next door: ok, but not reallly it .
Teilnehmer 1 (keine Männer und eine Frau )
Max. Teilnehmer Keine Teilnehmerbegrenzung
Max. Begleitpersonen 5
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