Two for Girl - English Theatre

Two for Girl - English Theatre

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Disclaimer: As I have been to this venue only once before I can not warrant for their quality!

Theaterforum Kreuzberg announces:
BERT Berlin English Repertory Theatre
Two for a Girl
by Mary Kelly and Noni Stapleton
starring Mary Kelly
in englischer Sprache
Josie Connors, a young Irish Traveller sets up camp with her nomadic
family on the edge of Ryan’s farm, Tipperary, Ireland – 1946. When
Josie crosses one of the entrenched cultural lines between her Irish
(ethnic minority) travelling community and the Irish (settled)
community - we are catapulted through decades of unthinkable
consequences. "Stuck between two worlds" in isolation and poverty -
Josie keeps travelling, as she is presented with the most compelling
reasons of all to survive. As Mary Kelly seamlessly embodies the five
main characters – you will be drawn across generations and to every
corner of Ireland in this unique look at identity, freedom and loss when
two distinct Irish communities collide.
“Two for a Girl” has been performed in Germany, Ireland and the U.S.
and BERT is bringing the one person show back to the Berlin stage
for a limited time only.
artistic director: Erman Jones
tickets: 15 €, red. 7 €; pre-purchased: 10 €; pre-sales available from
March 15 exclusively at
Fr 27.4. 20.00 Two for a Girl
Sa 28.4. 20.00 Two for a Girl"

theaterforum kreuzberg
Eisenbahnstr. 21
10997 Berlin
Tel: 030 612 88 880

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Freitag, 27.04.2018 20:00 Uhr

Berlin Eisenbahnstraße 21

Kunst & Kultur, Theater & Kabarett


15 €, red. 7 €; pre-purchased: 10 €;

Teilnehmer Keine Teilnehmer

Max. Teilnehmer Keine Teilnehmerbegrenzung

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